Family Services

We work with the Haitian Government to reunite children in orphanages with their families.

We empower two generations of each family through education + employment services to break the cycle of poverty.

We use evidence-based social work practice + theory to achieve outcomes.



In Haiti, children are displaced from their family for a multitude of reasons. The simplest answer: POVERTY. We've adapted a research-based, community social work model to function in congruency to the complexities of Haiti and employ Haitian social workers to provide culturally competent family services. 

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Child Protection

Through street outreach and weekly home visits, we work diligently to ensure the children we serve are being cared for. Due to cultural norms and lack of education, parents often consider physical abuse an effective form of discipline. We meet with parents in their homes for abuse/neglect training and consistent caregiver support.



Housing & Medical

Housing: We provide income-based housing grants for our program participants. Our model is created with the intention for them to incrementally move towards sustainable housing independence. 

Medical: Poverty causes preventable death. It is our ethical and moral responsibility to provide the medical resources, funds and referrals our families need to live. 



If parents had jobs, there wouldn't be orphanages and foreign aid wouldn't be necessary. Unemployment rates hover around 75% in Haiti. Economic development is crucial. The caregivers of our families set their own vocational goals; we set the objectives and offer the resources to help them achieve those goals.